ECARGOLOG is a 24 X 7 e-News and Service Providers – totally dedicated to Logistic activities & reaches the desk in no time by a click of your mouse!

Authentic information and very vital statistics flashed – from the experienced writers & who-is-who of the institutions/industry concerned, through eNews weekly blast, special issues, Show-dailies, Conclaves and Expo.

ECARGOLOG  comes out – with A new look, more articles from the learned, Interviews from the TOP notches, facts and figures from the respective Air / Marine Ports & Automobiles and Road Transport and the logistics sub-sectors. Now video clippings and eNews Blast!

On the conclave front, the 1st one during September 2015 Transportation of Men & Materials by 2020 and Beyond… the second during December 2015 with the theme: Green Energy; March 2016: Starting A Successful Start-UP: Plan, Start & Succeed are the testimonials to boast of our services besides Automobiles & Logistics 2016, October 2016, with Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and the Middle East Logistics 2017, in Bahrain by May 2017; expo with Media Day, 3-4-5 August 2018 Truck Trailer and Transport; Green Power Energy on 11th October 2018.  Logmat Smart Expos on Logistics & Warehousing seminar during June 2019 and with the apex bodies CII & ASSOCHAM, Frost & Sullivan, Overseas Expo organizers like ReedManch for the other events.